




If you like quiet, naturally preserved coastal villages and hidden gems, then here in the extreme south, just 15 km north of the border with Turkey, you are in the right place to discover Sinemorets.
This place could still remain unexplored since, during the communist era, access to the border area was not allowed for citizens.
The name Sinemorets is a direct translation of the Greek original, which is derived from Galazios, or azure; in fact, in the past, this was a Greek enclave.
It is situated at the foot of the Strandzha Mountains and is known for its beautiful beaches, scenic viewpoints and natural beauty that has remained relatively untouched.

One of the most beautiful places around Sinemorets is where the Veleka River flows into the Black Sea via a magnificent estuary.
A unique phenomenon where you plunge into the freshwater on one side of the beach and float on the salty waves on the other.
If you climb the hill that lies just above the beach, you can see how the different coloured waters in the estuary mix. The Veleka River itself is part of Strandja Nature Park.

Join our reserved boat trip or go sporty with the kayak.
Follow the coordinates to the main bridge that crosses the Veleka River, where you will find your kayak or boat.
The bridge is located about 1 km north of Sinemorets. If you are coming from the north, cross the bridge and then take the dirt road on your right.

Sie können wählen, ob Sie mit dem Kajak direkt zum Strand fahren oder in nördlicher Richtung des Naturschutzgebietes, was vielleicht besser ist, weil Sie sich später an dem einzigartigen, ruhigen, lagunenartigen Strand, einem Stück Paradies auf Erden, entspannen können.

Die Fahrt über den Fluss ist atemberaubend malerisch!

Der 147 km lange Fluss Veleka entspringt auf der türkischen Seite des Strandzha-Gebirges und wird an seiner Mündung 50 m breit und bis zu 8 m tief. Seine Ufer sind mit üppiger, grüner Vegetation bewachsen, deren Formen sich durch das warme Sonnenlicht wunderschön im Wasser spiegeln.






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184 Mayfield St. Hopewell
Junction, NY 12533

